What Causes Contempt in Relationships What Causes Contempt in Relationships

What Causes Contempt in Relationships

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Usually, relationships have ups and downs. But if you recognize yourself or your partner displaying one of the following symptoms, you may have a toxic partner. You might feel easy contempt for your partner at times. 

Contempt is an unhealthy state of mind in relationships. It can threaten a relationship. If you're suffering from contempt, there are ways to prevent it, recognize it, and heal it. 

Remember when you first met your partner and couldn't stop thinking about them? Those butterflies in your stomach, smiling like an idiot, and the excitement of new love — it's all there. But sometimes, that can become extinguished to be replaced by something darker and more toxic. 

    What is Contempt

    Contempt is the word that describes how you feel about another person. It can be a feeling of disgust, hatred, and disrespect for someone else. 

    Contempt can have different meanings depending on where you live, but it usually refers to a feeling of disgust towards someone or something. Some people may use the word contempt when referring to something they see as despicable or hateful. 

    Contempt can also refer to an attitude that shows this kind of feeling towards others. If someone shows hatred toward another person, they are not treating them as equals and possibly acting disrespectfully towards them. 

    For example, if someone shows contempt for their boss at work, they don't respect their authority and might even be rude to them because of this lack of respect. 

    Contempt vs. Disdain 

    Contempt is often confused with disdain. While they are similar, they are not identical. Disdain refers to hatred for something specific (such as an idea), while contempt can be directed toward anything. 

    For example: "I have nothing but disdain for those who believe in ghosts." This could mean ghosts exist or people who believe in ghosts are foolish or misguided. 

    Either way, it's clear that the speaker feels very negatively about this subject matter; however, he doesn't have any feelings about those who believe in ghosts themselves (though he may have feelings about their belief system as a whole). 

    Causes Of Contempt In Relationships

    Contempt is one of the most powerful negative emotions. It is more than just anger, disgust, or resentment; it's an utter lack of respect for another person. It can also be described as a feeling of superiority over someone else.

    couples in an argument

    It's the opposite of love. It's the opposite of respect. When you feel contempt for your spouse, you have so little regard for him or her that you don't even care what they think or feel. Hatred destroys relationships because it often leads to withdrawal and avoidance, eventually leading to divorce if left untreated. 

    Contempt can occur for several reasons, but there are primary causes: 

    • You have been hurt by your partner somehow and have not dealt with the issue. The issue may be something big or small, but unless it is resolved, it will continue to fester inside you until it comes out as contempt.  

    • If one partner doesn't feel like they are getting enough attention from their spouse 

    • If one partner feels like they have to work harder than their spouse to get what they need from them. 

    • If one partner doesn't feel appreciated for all of the things that they do for their spouse 

    • If one partner feels disrespected by their spouse because of their behavior (i.e., lying) 

    • If one partner feels disrespected by the other constantly. 

    • Contempt can occur when one partner believes they are superior to their spouse or significant other and refuses to treat them with the same respect they show others. 

    • Contempt can also occur when one believes their spouse or significant other is beneath them and deserves no respect. 

    However, you feel contempt for your partner more often than not. This may be an indication that there are some severe problems in your relationship that need addressing before they lead to irreparable damage being done to your relationship. 

    In addition to destroying relationships, contempt can also cause physical harm to those who suffer from it regularly. It's not uncommon for people who are constantly disrespected by their partners to develop high blood pressure or heart disease because of the stress caused by being around someone who doesn't respect them or their needs. 

    How to Address Contempt in a Relationship

    If you have contempt for your partner, you may treat them with disdain, ridicule, or sarcasm. You may even see them as inferior to yourself or unworthy of being treated like an equal. 

    It's important to understand that contempt is not the same as criticism. Criticism is a constructive way of expressing disapproval, whereas contempt seeks to devalue the other person and minimize their accomplishments or efforts. Hatred frequently leads to verbal and emotional abuse in relationships between partners or family members. 

    If you feel contempt for your partner, it's essential to address it immediately. Ignoring hatred will only make matters worse. 

    Couples in a disagreement

    Here are some ways to address contempt in relationships: 

    • Ask yourself what's making you feel this way? Is it something specific about your partner or their behavior? Or is it more of a general sense of feeling disrespected? 

    • Talk about the situation with your partner calmly and rationally. Be careful not to put them on the defensive by blaming them for how you feel. This will only escalate things further. 

    • Listen carefully to what they say without interrupting or defending yourself. You might be surprised by what they have to say! 

    • Be Mindful of Your Non-Verbal Body Language even if you are upset with your partner. Avoid this behavior for a long last relationship. 

    Contempt can poison your relationship in two ways: 

    • It erodes trust. When you show contempt for your partner, it undermines their self-esteem and confidence. You make them less willing to share their thoughts and feelings when they feel disrespected or hurt by you. This creates distance between you and your partner, which makes it harder to resolve conflicts or work through problems together. 

    • It hurts your relationship with others outside the relationship too. People who witness contempt in a relationship tend to dislike both partners involved in the conflict — even if one person isn't responsible for displaying hatred toward the other person! 

    Does Contempt Go Away

    The answer is yes, but it's not easy. 

    Contempt is an extreme emotion that can be defined as powerful. It's not just that you're angry with your partner; you actually see them as worthless, stupid, or inferior in some way. It's like they're a different species from you, and they don't deserve your respect at all. 

    It's easy to fall into contempt if you go through a period where you feel ignored or disrespected by your partner. You might think that they aren't pulling their own weight or respecting your needs. 

    You might feel they don't care about you as much as they should (or maybe even as much as others). These things can happen naturally in relationships from time to time, but when they happen repeatedly, it can lead to contempt for your partner. 

    If this happens in your relationship, then try to talk about it with your partner calmly and honestly before it gets too severe (because once it does get serious, it can be tough to recover from). 


    If this doesn't work, try talking with someone who knows both of you well (a friend or family member) before trying again with your partner — hopefully, hearing another person's perspective will help both. 


    There's no doubt that contempt can negatively affect a relationship, but feeling contempt doesn't always mean the relationship is doomed to fail. You can still have a happy marriage even if you sometimes feel hatred toward your spouse (or even most of the time). 

    Very often, contempt is the last emotion people display in a relationship. It is a feeling of derision, disgust, and disrespect for one's partner. Contempt often leads to affairs and divorce. 

    In conclusion, contempt has a profound effect on relationships. It can cause an emotional separation from your partner, which may lead to an affair or divorce.

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