8 Weight Loss Advice to Totally Ignore 8 Weight Loss Advice to Totally Ignore

8 Weight Loss Advice to Totally Ignore

Photo of a Tape Measure on a Person's Waist

When trying to lose weight, it's easy to be tempted by the latest fad diet or exercise plan that promises fast results. However, these tips are not always helpful and might cause more harm than good. Here's what you should ignore when trying to lose weight

    Starve Yourself

    This is one of the most misguided weight loss tips out there, and it's not just because of how harmful it can be to your body but because of how ineffective it is at helping you lose weight. It's all about what you eat and when, so if you're not eating enough calories throughout the day or skipping meals altogether, no matter what type of exercise program you're doing or how much time you spend at the gym, your results will be less than stellar.

    It's easy to fall into the trap of starvation. You're tired, you've lost your motivation, and you just want to lose weight. So you force yourself to eat less and less food until you're starving.

    This is a bad idea for two reasons. First, it can lead to a lack of energy, and second, your body will go into starvation mode because it thinks there is insufficient food to keep you alive.

    So what should you do? Forget about calorie restriction and just eat normally until your appetite returns. Eat anything that makes you feel hungry again within an hour or so, and then stop eating completely.

    Smiling Woman Eating Healthy

    Eat One Thing (Cabbage Soup, Grapefruit, Bacon, etc.)

    You've probably seen the list of weight loss tips that advises eating one thing at a time. While it's true that eating too much can lead to weight gain, restricting your diet is not the way to go about losing weight.

    To lose fat and keep it off, you must build a healthy lifestyle that includes regular exercise and balanced nutrition. If your goal is just to get rid of some extra pounds as quickly as possible, then short-term fasting may work for you—but it isn't sustainable for long-term health or weight maintenance.

    Eating one vegetable or fruit at a time may seem like an easy way to cut calories without feeling deprived, but this doesn't work because most people don't stick with these restrictions long-term (and if they do stick with them, they'll likely end up hungry). 

    Instead of limiting yourself by eating only one type of food at a meal or throughout the day (cabbage soup! grapefruit! bacon!), focus on making better choices in general so that you have more energy throughout the day and don't feel like something is missing from each mealtime experience.

    Blonde Woman and Vegetables

    Cut Out An Entire Food Group

    Many dieters think they can cut out an entire food group, but it's not worth it. The foods you choose to eat make up your diet, so if you want to lose weight, you need to pick healthy options that won't sabotage your progress.

    You could try cutting out carbs completely and just eat protein and fat. But this isn't a sustainable approach. You'll end up eating more calories than your body needs because it has no other options. Plus, if you're missing carbs and sugar, you may experience cravings for them later in the day (which makes the whole process pointless).

    The best way to lose weight is to find a balance between healthy carbs, fats, and proteins while focusing on eating enough calories each day. You'll feel better in every way possible with enough energy from nutritious food sources instead of relying on unhealthy ones like soda or candy bars.

    Flat-lay Photograph of Bread, Tomatoes, and Avocados

    Stop Eating After 8 Pm or 5 Pm

    To lose weight, you need to be aware of your eating schedule. If your body is used to being fed at certain times of day, it will not listen to your commands to stop eating.

    Eating in the evening will be hard for you to lose weight because your body will be busy digesting all the food you have just eaten. You will also feel sleepy and drowsy after eating late at night.

    A healthy diet and regular exercise is the best way to lose weight. If you do not follow these two things, it will be very hard for you to lose or maintain your current weight.

    First, you're likely to overeat at your next meal. If you succumb to the temptation of eating more because it's late and there aren't any snacks around, then this can lead to weight gain.

    Second, you'll most likely be hungry when you wake up and have another opportunity for overeating—or skipping breakfast altogether!

    Thirdly, suppose you are relying on willpower alone to avoid eating after 8 pm (or 7 pm or 5 pm). In that case, chances are that this strategy will fail eventually—and then all of your hard work will be undone in an instant when your willpower gives out at some point during the day when hunger hits hard enough that self-control seems like a distant memory.

    n Elderly Woman Looking at the Foods on the Table

    Never Have Dessert, Even if you only Have one serving. 

    It might seem like a good idea to deprive yourself of dessert, but it could make you more likely to binge on the wrong things later in the day. Instead of cutting out your favorite sweet treat entirely, try eating just one serving of it every few days—this will help keep cravings from getting out of control. 

    And don't forget that a lot of foods we think of as desserts can actually be healthy: fruit is full of vitamins and minerals; some yogurts are packed with probiotics (the good bacteria that help keep our guts happy); nuts are full-on superfoods, and chocolate has lots of antioxidants and other good stuff going for it too!

    Don't skip meals—and don't eat just one big meal per day. Skipping meals can cause your blood sugar to drop, making you feel hungry and more likely to binge on unhealthy foods later in the day (or night). 

    Instead of skipping meals altogether, try spacing them out throughout the day so that you're eating about every three hours or so: this will help keep cravings from getting out of control and prevent your blood sugar from dropping too low.

    Fruit Terrine Beside Gray Stainless Steel Fork

    Work Out for a Certain Amount of Minutes Daily

    You should work out for at least 30 minutes, four to five, weekly. Research suggests that this amount of time will help you lose weight and improve your health.

    If you have limited time, you can still achieve results by adding extra intensity to your workouts. High-intensity interval training (HIIT) is as effective as longer sessions in weight loss and cardiovascular fitness.

    You should do cardiovascular exercise (aerobic training) and resistance training such as weights or bodyweight exercises like pushups and squats. Combining these two types of training will help improve your metabolism so that you burn more calories even at rest!

    Young Asian sportswoman having rest after workout in park

    Go for a Completely Low-Fat or Completely Low-Carb Diet

    If you're trying to lose weight, you can't afford to ignore any advice. It's not like you'll lose weight if you ignore the tips in this article. But if you fast-track your weight loss with these tips, you'll be able to lose more fat than if you just follow a low-fat diet.

    Low-fat diets are a great way to lose weight because they promote dieters' metabolism and help them feel full between meals. But there are some drawbacks. For one thing, they can make you feel hungry all day because of the lack of fat in your diet. Low-carb diets are even worse because they eliminate carbohydrates from the body entirely.

    If you want to lose weight quickly, but don't want to sacrifice your health or risk gaining it back, then low-carb diets may be for you! They will not only help with weight loss but also boost your metabolism and aid in staving off hunger cravings throughout the day.

    Bowl of Vegetable Salad

    Stop Drinking Alcohol

    Alcohol is a no-no for weight loss. It's calorie dense, causes inflammation, and can lead to hangovers and fatigue. Alcohol is also linked to heart health problems and liver problems. So if you want to lose weight, avoid drinking alcohol altogether.

    You might think that alcohol will help you lose weight because it has zero calories—but remember that most beers have around 150 calories per serving (depending on your beer, one serving, maybe half a bottle). Plus, all that alcohol makes it hard for your body to burn fat for energy.

    Plus: Alcohol can make you crave food at night—even though it's supposed to make us feel full! After knocking back a few glasses of wine or shots of tequila at happy hour with co-workers or friends on Friday night, chances are good that you'll want a late snack before bedtime. And research shows that drinking too much alcohol can cause bloating and water retention (and even more cravings).

    Man Standing on a Balcony and Drinking Beer

    Don't Forget to Eat Balanced Meals and Treat Yourself once in a while.

    Eating balanced meals and treating yourself once in a while are the two most important things to remember when trying to lose weight.

    Eating balanced meals means eating a wide range of foods that are good for you. This includes fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean meats and fish, low-fat dairy products, and healthy fats. It also means eating smaller portions of these foods.

    Treating yourself occasionally doesn't have to be expensive or time-consuming. Treating yourself can mean anything from buying yourself flowers to going out for dinner with friends or family members. But if you're trying to lose weight, it's best not to succumb to temptation too often because it will undo all your hard work!

    Meals on Plate and Tray


    There you have it, eight weight loss tips to ignore completely. We know that this can be hard for some people, but at least now you have some solid advice from us on how not to lose weight. What is the best way to keep from losing weight? Eat balanced meals and even treat yourself once in a while!

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